Electronic assembly Recruitment Services

Etalentnetwork delivers highly skilled employees with the aptitude and dexterity needed to perform immediately in your unique work setting, covering a full range of electronic assembly disciplines, industries, and roles. We screen and hire many new employees each year to support electronic assembly operations, we can guarantee your satisfaction with reliable temporary or full-time assembly specialists. We can also provide key market intelligence through local offices nationwide for a plan fit to your talent pool.

The groundwork of our success in workforce solutions for electronic assembly is our understanding of the skills needed to truly thrive in the electronic assembly environment. Benefits to your business include:


We partner with you to assess whatever hard skills are required for your electronic assembly jobs, delivering employees with the technical knowledge needed to contribute

Targeted Methodology

Our recruiting and testing tools are both cost- and time-efficient, allowing for quicker turnaround of better quality employees

Less Risk

Our best practices for occupational health, safety, or environmental concerns feature a detailed safety orientation that helps reduce workers’ compensation claims and absenteeism.